Our First Corporate Sponsors!

RK Photo specialises in darkroom and fine art inkjet materials and they have a policy of trying out as much of the stuff they sell as possible (as well as being committed to paying their staff the Living Wage!).

Roy Knichel set up RK Photographic decades ago. On his retirement in early 2018, he sold his business to Verene (possibly the only female owner of a photographic wholesalers in the UK) and it was renamed RK Photo Ltd.

They are a tiny team (2 full and some part-timers). John has been in the world of Photography and retail for 34 years. His dad built him his first darkroom when he was 16, as his family was keen to stop him using the bathroom. Verene first went into a darkroom aged 12 and promptly ran out (she is scared of the dark). Years later she became friends with Sylvie, the darkroom technician at Byam Shaw who was one of Roy’s customers and it is through her that she ended up at RK.

Check out their extensive range of materials and equipment here

Please contact us if you’d like to discuss the benefits of becoming a Corporate Sponsor of darkroom.