Nadav Kander joins us for our Open Day

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darkroom was thrilled to welcome Nadav Kander to our recent Open Day. The world-renowned photographer (who has snapped everyone from Barak Obama to Donald Trump, David Lynch to Jodie Foster, and produced monumental projects on the Yangtze and Thames), stopped by to meet the team and see the new home for his beloved De Vere 504.

Also visiting us were Turner Prize nominee Cornelia Parker and economist Mariana Muzzacato, who we discovered has a treasure trove of photographs taken at demonstrations in her youth. Both were very excited by what we have created at darkroom, and are keen to make time to come back and reacquaint themselves with developer and tongs.

We were overwhelmed by the number of people that battled the elements to learn more about what we are offering at darkroom. Many brought along cameras that had been lying abandoned in lofts and cupboards, some with amazing personal stories attached to them. We resurrected some and suggested that others might now make interesting shelf ornaments!

Hugo and Catriona entertained the visitors with demonstrations of Cyanotype and Photogram printing and making Polaroid Lift images, which most had never seen before.

If you missed it this time, make sure you come along to our next Open Day in January!